Top 5 Best Free Windows 8 and Themes / Skin Packs.How can you change the color of the text in the title bar of windows - Microsoft Community

Top 5 Best Free Windows 8 and Themes / Skin Packs.How can you change the color of the text in the title bar of windows - Microsoft Community

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Black theme for Windows with white titlebar text. 



Windows 8.1 black theme white text free -

  You can change the text size, color mode (black text on white background, white text on black background, or black text on a sepia background). Some people find certain text and background colour combinations difficult have a specific colour such as white text on a black background. So, I customized my Windows 8 to have a dark blue title bar, to let you change it to white like Windows 7 would now that is out.  

Setting custom windows background color in Windows doesn't work - Super User


By designerwestApril 8, in Windows. Hey guys, I wondered if anyone knows why Microsoft didn't add the feature of title bar colour changing? It can only be black text colour on any colour background.

It just doesn't make sense. I ask as I prefer a black windows theme rather than bright pink, orange, purple, white and what not. I know you can patch windows, but that just isn't an option. It seems very stupid, if they didn't want us to change it to black they'd have removed that option. Tried asking on the Windows Support forum but the "Microsoft Engineers" are giving generic replies about performing clean installs and they "can't replicate the issue". Now the "engineers" have stopped replying to threads about that problem completely, any brand new thread complaining about dark grey text on black windows 8.1 black theme white text free is deleted.

I don't think it's a bug, because the title bar text does appear to change color, from pure black on anything other windows 8.1 drivers on windows free black to a just barely visible gray. It seems it was intentionally set that color, rather than going to a pure white like it should.

Previous versions of Windows that used Aero didn't have this problem because the title bar text was always shadowed.

Hopefully it's changed to just become white colored text Or let the users set the color, like you've always been able to do in the Windows Classic themes. Stuff like that. It's possible it doesn't and it could be just my eyes. But it does appear адрес страницы text goes from pure black on any other color to a slightly lighter gray.

Even going into the accessibility options, which otherwise lets you modify some options you normally couldn't, won't let you change the title bar text color. I never understood why Microsoft didn't code in something to flip text colours to white if the average RGB value falls below Personally I think the colour choices offered by Windows 8 look horrible against black text - only light colours look decent. It was okay when glass ссылка на продолжение around since it had a white blur to soften the contrast.

With colours such as 10 and 13 red and green you can barely make out the titlebar text. The colour Microsoft uses for windows 8.1 black theme white text free text isn't pure black 0,0,0. It's 40,40, Which means if you get the colour sliders to be just right, it looks like this:. That being said, putting 40,40,40 text on a completely dark windows 8.1 black theme white text free - you can't see it at all. So you're correct that there's an intentional lightening up of the text.

It's still possible to mess it up windows 8.1 black theme white text free shown above though. Bump Was looking for the classic dialog to change stuff like text color, but I guess that can't be done without applying a style patch? When I move the slider to have completely black taskbars, as someone else mentioned, the text goes almost white.

But say if you want dark grey, its possible to make both the same colour which is a stupid! It's not продолжение здесь in windows 8.1 black theme white text free latest Insider build, but I guess you're probably using the latest leaked one available. Search In. Windows 8. Share More sharing options Followers 0. Recommended Posts. Posted April 8, Anyone know why Microsoft doesn't want its customers to change title bar colours?

Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options No idea Som Posted April 8, McKay Posted April 8, Obi-Wan Kenobi Posted April 8, Quillz Posted April 8, Lamp0 Posted April 8, Yea, it is annoying. Denis W. Veteran Posted April 9, Posted April 9, Steven P. Founder Posted December 23, Posted December 23, CG Posted December 23, I hope they correct this issue, or at least give the option to change the text colour. Posted December 24, It's fixed in win 10 thankfully. LimeMaster Posted December 24, This topic is now closed to further replies.

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